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    • CommentAuthorcc says...
    • (CommentTimeMar 10th 2011 edited)
    "Bad Worn Thing" might be my pick too, except that it's so similar to "Please Take," which as the first cut might be disappointing for a new fan to hear after being attracted to the single, as they're both Graham-ologues.

    so I'd say go straight for "Adapt."
    • CommentAuthorcc says...
    • (CommentTimeMar 10th 2011)
    Ari, is that the message from Pandora that RBT is on their system? Trying to figure out why I was sent that... I mean I know why I would be interested (if I didn't already have the album--the dilemma for a service like Pandora), but how did they know? I don't have a station called "Wire."
    • CommentAuthorAri says...
    • (CommentTimeMar 11th 2011 edited)
    when I clicked on the link it took me to Pandoras 'Wire' station, they also play 'other stuff' 'you might like', if you're a member you can click the thumbs up or thumbs down button and you don't get to hear that artist again 'on that station', I used to listen a lot but now read my kindle instead, so much so I might even stop using facebook for a few days at a time except to quickly sign in to see if i have any messages...... and yes, they do have trax from RBT.
    • CommentAuthorcc says...
    • (CommentTimeMar 12th 2011)
    Ok, so you weren't sent an email by them touting the acquisition of RBT tracks? I mean, I know how Pandora works, and I didn't click on your link, I'm just canvassing to see who else received it because I don't know how they made the connection to me.
    I've been using pandora since it started a few years back
    It's not just Wire having pressing problems:
    I must say that I'm confused at all the disparaging comments about Object 47! I thought O47 was a near-perfect album, almost as good as Send, definitely capable of standing next to the old classics. (Although I shy away from all this Send=Pink Flag, Object 47=154 commentary.) The insistent songs are completely compelling, the slower stuff is engrossing, the groovier stuff can't be ignored... I immediately saw it as a worthy Wire album.

    By contrast, I've listened to RBT numerous times since pre-ordering it (I got "Strays" and I love it quite a bit) and I still don't get it. It might happen--Send's bulldozer minimalism wasn't immediately appealing to me--but "A Flat Tent" is the only track that has made me think, "yes!" so far.

    That said, Wire is one of the few bands extant whose next move I anticipate and rub my hands over excitedly, and I don't think that's going to change, especially with all the cryptic talk and conjecture over the next LP...