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    In Moreover, yes. Bad Worn Thing is also my favourite track (with Now Was a close second). Graham's delivery on that first line of lyrics is just fantastic.

    It's a really great album to get, too. I like O47, but some of it's just... off somehow. It doesn't gel, and the mix is strange. My thoughts on RBT echo those of KLeigh88, in that it's almost like a best-of album from another dimension, but it also moves Wire (and the current trio version of Wire) on again. More 'live', more alive, more coherent. It feels like a band made these songs together. And, importantly, they're good songs!
    Smash also borrows from Culture Vultures stop and start breaks, with identical percussion.
    Very few bands have aged as well as Wire.
    RBT CD Singles Anyone?

    Without the backing (or contractual handcuffs) of a major label, CD singles seem logistically prohibitive. But this new record begs for a few singles. So here's my suggestion why not use something like to let the consumer fund the creation of a few singles. The people who are interested would pay the band ahead of time to create remixes alternate versions, b-sides etc. If there isn't enough interest it will be proven out in the lack of capital. If the money doesn't reach it's necessary threshold to produce singles, the monies are returned. Wire interested? Anyone interested?
    I don't see it really. CD singles are pretty much dead, major label or no major label. A digital single or EP would be feasible (and probably wouldn't need to be fan-funded) but I think the model Wire use these days is to make a lead track available free online as a promo. They've already done that with '2 Minutes' ( same with 'One of Us' from O47). There is 'Strays' to come of course, and more from the Bootleg Series.
    OK let me restate without using the words CD Singles since they're dead. I personally would like to see more things like Stray and in particular remixes or alternate mixes from RBT. I personally like the option of a real CD and I'd be willing to pay for it. (You can call it whatever you want.) I'm not excited about digital only downloads and probably wouldn't buy them.
    I've got about 9,300 songs on my Ipod and about 15 are digital downloads. Give me a CD any time.
    Rave reviews coming in for RBT from Record Collector who give it 4/5
    and Mojo who also give it 4/5 and a full page with a pic plus a short interview with Colin. Alas I don't have a scanner but a quick precis:

    "..(RBT) contains some of the band's softest, most ingeniously beautiful performances, as well as some of its fiercest. It is also fired by inspirational songwriting, has spleen by the truckload and enjoys great tonal variety.....RBT compares favourably with the very best of Wire".
    Sounds about right to me—nice quote from Mojo. (What's the betting Pitchfork lays into the album in its usual "WE'RE OH SO CLEVER" manner? I'm guessing a 7.1 from that place.)
    But will 'Prog Rock' Magazine describe it as prog ??? !
    • CommentAuthorcc says...
    • (CommentTimeJan 5th 2011)
    it's streaming on the Guardian's web site. (This news slipped through the idealcopy mailing list.)

    a lot of acoustic guitar--interesting. A debut for Wire?

    and even on an internet stream, there do seem to be touches of "air" in the recording, as opposed to Send and O47. Ahh.
    • CommentAuthorcc says...
    • (CommentTimeJan 5th 2011)
    reading the track notes on Quietus (which will eventually be here): anyone dis-quiet-ed by how often colin refers to Wire in the third person? Almost as if he's not part of the band!

    on a related note, there's a reference to a "studio engineer" being involved on at least one track. I thought the engineer was colin?! And that the studio was someone's house... Guess there is a third party at work, at least at some point in the chain. Could be he just points and clicks on Pro Tools.
    sounds like Githead 2 me!
    i don't recall Githead having done songs that sound like Bad Worn Thing, Now Was, Two Minutes, Moreover, Smash, A Flat Tent etc. sounds like 100% Wire to me (Wire minus Bruce's guitar of course)
    ‎"a solid indie-guitar band"...
    Just received a "dispatch notice" from Greedbag re: CD of RBT. I guess they are going out a little early?

    No indication of whether or not I made the cut for Strays. Guess it will have to be a surprise.
    • CommentAuthorcc says...
    • (CommentTimeJan 6th 2011)
    "sounds like 100% Wire to me"

    judging by his track notes, colin would agree!

    it's all in the branding, man...

    This is Des from Greedbag. Just to let you know we are starting to complete the CD orders. You might get a despatch note over the next 24 hours and we aim to have them in all in the post by tomorrow evening. All orders to date will be shipping with the bonus CD. So 7jlong - you will get one!

    The vinyl will ship next week. We simply will not have it in time for tomorrow. Apologies.

    I also worked for Colin @ PostEverything and if you ordered anything from spring 2006 to the final days it was more then likely posted by me. Pretty much 100%. So your order is in good hands!

    Right back to the orders!

    I also meant to point out that Strays is not listed on the despatch note or email because its not added to the basket on check out. We just add it the orders until we run out.
    Thanks for the update!
    @cc: All members of Wire have done the third-person thing, right from the start.

    @biccio: Agreed. There are some elements of Colin's guitar that sounds a little Githead now and again, but that's probably because it's the same guitar. (Huge shock revelation!)