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    I got this free with my copy of Twelve Times You - question is what is it? and does anyone else have one?
    I got one of those with one of the Read & Burn ep's. It's make-up removal pad that, applied to the face, would capture "the smell of you" (geddit?).
    I have one. I have had it for a few years, can't remember when I got it. Mine has two labels. One seal is folded over the lock portion of the bag. I thought there was supposed to be a scent to the pad but I never opened mine. I've added it to my other trinkets, including the small pink flag under glass, and the pink flag cloisonné pin.
    It did have a scent. One of Wire's more curious freebies.

    R&b1 came with a still from the Art of Stopping signed by all four members, that was a good 'un.
    That is extremely clever and completely bonkers at the same time.

    I would expect nothing less.