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    Philip Johnson - 'Minumarine'
    T.Rex - 'Tanx'
    Giuseppe Ielasi + Kassel Jaeger - 'Parallel,Grayscale'
    Courtney Barnett - 'Double EP'
    Noise of choice this fine evening:
    Miles Davis - Fillmore East 6th March 1970 (bootleg) and 7th March(Columbia release)
    Mixed noise tonight:
    Irmin Schmidt - Impossible Holidays / Musk at Dusk
    Arve Henriksen - Chron / Cosmic Creation
    Fluke : 'Six Wheels On My Wagon'. Following a chat witha mate on FB he reminded me of how good this album is, or in his words 'one of the best dance albums ever'.
    Miles Davis - Cellar Door Sessions 1970
    Spellbinding, screaming, subtle, sublime.
    Anna von Hausswolff - Kallan (Prototype) Recorded live at Lincoln Cathedral 19th October 2013.
    Tonight it's Jon Hassell:
    Vernal Equinox and Earthquake Island

    Imaginary landscapes unfold in my mind
    Ah, the master (whose birthday is tomorrow, as it happens - he'll be 77). Such a unique voice over the last 40 years. Particular favourites would be Possible Musics, Dream Theory In Malaya, Magic Realism and Power Spot. Other ones of note would be Fascinoma and Maarifa Street (Magic Realism 2). The latter contains a track, Darbari Bridge, that uses elements from the original Magic Realism woven into the mix in an uncanny and beguiling way, and has the most magnificent deep bass line which moves with a velvet stealth. Less a sequence of notes, more a series of changes in air pressure. Hairs on the back of the neck territory.
    I agree Fergus. I cannot wait for the new 3CD album 'Psychogeography': reissue of City; Works of Fiction, including the legendary Wintergarden Concert at the World Trade Center, New York, with Brian Eno mixing live, and 3rd CD of remix interpretations I believe.
    I would also put his last two recent albums up there with his best work but Possible Musics has a real place in my heart.
    Beguiling sums his whole oeuvre. I wish he'd hurry up and finish his book.

    Thanks for the birthday heads-up. Just sent him a birthday email :)

    Tonight is Possible Musics and Dream Theory in Malaya along with Dream Theory in New York (bootleg recording of concert, 20th November 1981)
    Excellent thumbnail overview of Hassell:

    Spring Into Life With Jon Hassell's Vernal Equinox

    Posted by Dave Segal on Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 6:00 PM

    "Any day of the year is ideal for listening to Jon Hassell’s music, but seeing as today marks the vernal equinox, you might as well listen to his 1978 debut album marking this auspicious occasion. Vernal Equinox isn’t Hassell’s best full-length album, but it is another exquisitely wrought example of the trumpeter’s unique expression of eerie and exotic ambience that he termed Fourth World music.

    The opening track “Toucan Ocean” is one of the most haunting and beautiful pieces of music I’ve ever heard. Throughout Vernal Equinox, you can hear how Hassell’s study of Indian Kirana vocal technique with Pandit Pran Nath led to his distinctively mellifluous and distortedly avian/animalistic trumpet sound. Shakers, rattles, mbira, tabla, dumbek, congas, and David Rosenboom’s “Buchla Synthesizer alteration” form a humid, twitchy jungle bed of activity over which Hassell’s itinerant trumpet emanations unpredictably waft. Ambient-music pioneer and Hassell collaborator Brian Eno spoke highly of the record in The Guardian: "This record fascinated me. It was a dreamy, strange, meditative music that was inflected by Indian, African and South American music, but also seemed located in the lineage of tonal minimalism. It was a music I felt I'd been waiting for."

    In a 2009 review of Hassell’s late-era masterpiece, Last Night the Moon Came Dropping Its Clothes, I wrote, “Hassell has carved out a unique tonal palette with an instrument that speaks sotto voce in alien tongues.” Vernal Equinox is where that talent first punctured the public consciousness, and it remains a crucial part of this singular musician’s canon."
    I vaguely remember not being too taken with that last ECM album, but I've just given it a spin for the first time in ages and, well, it's a lot better than I remember… funny that.
    It's a slow burner but well worth repeated listening
    Now you're talking. Happy memories of discovering the Eno-related EG output years and years ago, pre-CD. Possible Musics and Dream Theory are both transcendental. You know how certain pieces can mark out key moments / periods of your life? Hassell did it for me in the early 80s. I picked up a live album not too long ago - The Surgeon of the Nightsky Restores Dead Things by the Power of Sound (no less): very good.
    Curiously enough, I was listening to that one yesterday. Very strong live material from the Power Spot era (85-87). Highly recommended.
    The Necks - Aquatic (bought at their gig in London on Friday).
    It is Jon Hassell weekend at Eden Mansions. Yesterday we played:
    Live at Ontario college of Art - December 1982
    Dream Theory in Malaya
    Sulla Strada
    Aka Darbari Java

    Today we moved onto:
    Live at Ravinia Festival July 1986
    The Surgeon of the Nightsky...
    Flash of the Spirit
    City: Works of Fiction
    Dressing For Pleasure
    Bluescreen Project
    Live at la Manca Festival November 1997
    Live at Der Melkweg, Amsterdam November 1997

    Phew! Our ears are thoroughlyly Hassel-ed
    I'm playing a remix of one of my own trax. Is that terribly egocentric? :-)
    Not at all. I've been listening to myself singing in the shower.

    Seriously though, have just purchased Powerspot, having rekindled my love of Hassell thanks to you guys!
    Sidetracked from Hassell-ing by the arrival of the wonderful 4CD Miles Davis - Live at The Fillmore East 1970.
    Jaw-droppingly good. Almost telepathic!
    Also the new Prince Fatty meets Mungo Hi-Fi. Another great one and a taster for the new Hollie Cook out in May.
    Tonight I will be back to Hassell starting off with Fascinoma
    :zoviet*france: - Gesture Signal Threat