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    Just playing Jon Hassell live in Philadelphia 2009 and counting the days down for this:

    Speaking of Hassell, he's the only other one I know, after Wire, to have geographical co-ordinates in a track title:

    Rising Thermal 14*16'N; 32*28'E (from Possible Musics)
    Just finished re remembering the many Ups and a few downs of Tim Buckley's back catalogue
    The past few days Eden mansion has been vibrating and resonating with the sound of Ras Michael and the Sons of Negus. From Freedom Sounds to Love Thy Neighbour.
    Uplifting and unequalled
    Liars: Mess

    Only listened to this a few times since it came out, not quite sure what I think of it yet. Similar initial reaction to the last one, but that really grew on me. Perhaps it'll be a slow burner too. Thoughts anyone ?
    @Fergus it's OK but a bit forgettable and overlong. Liars are a dish best served live.

    I'm enjoying the Wrangler 'LA Spark' LP (I picked up the RSD Vinyl but I think the CD is out next week). Features Mal from Cabaret Voltaire on vocals with Phil Winter and Benge (John Foxx's right hand man) wrestling with a vast array of analog electronics.
    A mixed aural weekend so far:
    NPM - Switch
    Kraftwerk - Radio session Frankfurt 1974
    David Bowie - The Lost Beeb Tapes
    Arvo Part - Fur Anna Maria: complete piano works
    808 State - Utd State 90 (Mrs Yoyo and I walked out of Goodwill with 39 CDs the other day... someone had donated their 90's CD collection... and this was one of them...) completely different track listing to the UK original.

    Also found MBM 'Mindstream' (with the remix that became Orbital's Remind) and a host of other goodies.
    The new Eno/Hyde CD has been on heavy rotation all week, alongside the Lauren Laverne 6Music session they did.

    It gets better and better each play. Both on Later with Jools next week. Brian the Beard ahoy!
    The Ruts - Live at Deeply Vale Festival 1978 on John Peel's Dandelion Record label in lovely 180 gram purple vinyl

    Athletico Spizz 80 - Do a Runner on cd for the first time. Classic forgotton post punk album remastered with added 1981 album Spikey Dream Flowers (not so good) when they had changed their name to the Spizzles

    XTC - Skylarking [Corrected Polarity Edition] re-released sounding better than ever with the original risqué artwork
    I might be alone here, and remember that Skylarking is one of the greatest albums ever recorded, but isn't the new cover just a bit ... well ... naff.

    Back to the turntable, I'm currently listening to "LA Spark" by Wrangler on vinyl too!
    The Nightingales - For Fuck's Sake

    Setting out their stall fairly unequivocally with opening number, "Bullet For Gove".

    Highly recommended.

    They played a terrific set in Dublin last week. 20 numbers straight through without a break (not even a second for applause).

    Photos here.

    Two UK shows just announced on FB:

    MAY 24TH - OXFORD, 02 ACADEMY support The Undertones
    Fennesz - Becs
    Natalie Merchant - Natalie Merchant
    Flux - Uncarved Block
    Rema Rema - International Scale 7"

    Some of these ain't no vinyl though!
    It's not vinyl, but I just received the Heartsrevolution CD Ride or Die through the post. It's good. They're the 21st century Sigue Sigue Sputnik (that's a good thing).
    Just to remind people it doesn't have to be vinyl!
    CD, mp3, the sound of the cat screeching....anything you are listening to counts as being on 'the turntable'.
    Crikey Fergus - being a primary school teacher, I like the sound of that first track from The Nightingales (above).
    Aye - it's a cracker !
    It's time for some loud and lasting Curve in Yintan Towers. Hugely underrated, IMHO.
    Listening to Teleman's Tour CD I got from tonights gig. Bodes well for the LP out next week. Great band. Hard to think of reference points because it's not that obvious but maybe Stereolab at their most taught and stripped down, with Eno at his most "Pop", and there is a touch of melancholy Ray Davies in the songwriting and deadpan vocals.

    Like others I am getting to grips with the new Fennesz. I like it a lot, needs a few more spins.

    I've got the XTC Skylarking reissue here too, dare I say I think I prefer the original mix even if it's supposedly faulty. Comparing the two, the original mix is kind of brash but to my ears sounds more lively. Its nice to have the corrected polarity version with the pubes, and a bargain at £7 from the XTC website but I shall hang on to my "incorrect" non-pubic original which has served me well for many years.
    Simeon Ten Holt - Complete Multiple Piano Works (11CD boxset)
    Beautifully awesome and awesomely beautiful