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    Keys To Your Heart by the 101ers :-)
    Andrew Chalk - Crescent
    Andrew Chalk - Painted Screens
    Killing Joke - In Dub (Disc 1)
    Savage Republic - Tragic Figures
    Last weekend spent mostly re-aquainting myself with the sensuous beauty of Paul Schutze's music, which has strong threads of Eno & Jon Hassell amongst it's influences. Fluid, rich and filmic - a perfect accompaniment to reading JG Ballard's highly vivid and seductive The Unlimited Dream Company.

    New Maps Of Hell
    The Rapture Of Metals
    The Surgery Of Touch
    Abysmal Evenings
    Third Site
    Nice choice Fergus. That's whetted my appetite to go back and listen to Schutze collection :)
    Stands up really well I think.
    More mention of good sounds. Remember the David Toop-curated exhibition of sound art at the Hayward many years ago - 'Sonic Boom' - if you went? Best gig / exhibition I've been to. I spent a huge amount of time in Paul Schutze's installation (Third Site, if I recall correctly). Absolutely brilliant. That was the occasion that turned me on to Philip Jeck too.
    Coincidentally, just started reading Ballard's collected short stories, in chronological order. Lots of 'em!
    Sonic Boom was excellent, and Shutze's installation was particularly good, as was Max Eastley's - so gentle as to be almost inaudible, but all the more persuasive for that. Not forgetting Thomas Koner, another beautifully understated presence. I also really enjoyed Paul Burwell's bicycle driven gramophone. Sad he's no longer with us, he was a restlessly inventive spirit who I first encountered many years ago as part of the Bow Gamelan, who really knocked my block off… but that's another story.
    With a bright sunny day what better than Max Richter's Vivaldi Four Seasons Recomposed.
    Some molecular re-arrangement and synaptic tickling was called for yesterday:

    Iggy Pop - The Idiot
    Joe Colley - Psychic Stress Soundtracks
    Techno Animal vs Reality
    Wire - 154
    Dome 1 - 3
    Playlist 143

    James Chance & The Contortions - Buy
    Bushman’s Revenge - Cowboy Music
    John Cale & Terry Riley - Church Music
    Motorpsycho - Little Lucid Moments
    Hideto Kanai Group - “Q”
    Synchro Rhythmic Eclectic Language - Lambi
    Parliament - Mothership Connection
    Fenton Robinson - Somebody Loan Me A Dime
    Smog - Red Apple Falls
    Northern Picture Library - Alaska
    Swans - To Be Kind
    Motorpsycho - Behind the Sun

    seeing both of them live next week, so..i'm warming up with their last albums.
    Many Sugar Minott albums
    Groovin to the granulated one!
    'Dead Unique' by Officer! - which I bought on the strength of the descripion on the website, suitably delighted intrigued and have dug up the 'Ossification' LP on eMusic too.

    I'm not familiar with Mick Hobbs but there is a strong link with This Heat, Henry Cow etc and I'm suitably intrigued by both records. Hard to pin down but it's basically avant/art Rock which sways between medieval oddness, post punky, warped pastoral psychedelia and occasionally recalls Wire at their most arch and odd. I'll definitely be exploring further down this weird little branch line, can anyone enlighten me/recommend further related works?
    Hollie Cook - Twice. Almost as good as her debut
    Recently I have been listening to Swans' To Be Kind (absolutely jaw-dropping) and the advance tracks from clipping.'s clppng (very strange, impressive).
    Konono No.1: Assume Crash Position

    Only read about this lot till now, but this is wonderful, life-affirming stuff. And I missed them playing Dublin last year !
    Konono are awesome!

    The 3CD Jon Hassell City:Works of Fiction has arrived. I thought the original 1990 CD sounded great but f*** me this sounds unbelievable. Remastered to perfection and 2 other CD's of extra material.
    I will second the Konono No. 1 approval. Marvellous outfit with a great sound.

    I think I'll have to look into that Haskell release. I have not heard so much of his work as I should like.
    Ibibio Sound Machine echoing through the rafters of Eden Mansion.
    Utter joy albeit short at 39 minutes. I'll just have to play it again!!
    Soon to be played begging for my ears attention:
    Magma - Zühn Wol Ünsai (Radio Bremen 1974)
    Yabby You - Deeper Roots Part 2
    Whilst the Mighty Diamonds - Planet Earth / Planet Mars Dub is already caressing me with its delightful sound.