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    The demo version of ' Order For Order ' is now on Soundcloud -
    Sorry Colin, no can do, I've bought all of these albums twice before already.
    I'm pleased Colin is revisiting these albums as there are some gems on them. Disappointed that the 7" single mix of Not To has been excluded from the 2nd disc of extra's though, as in my opinion it is a superior version. Can't wait to hear the unreleased stuff from that album in particular. Maybe a limited edition box set containing all 3 CD's would go down well. It would in my house at any rate!
    Excellent news - and to quote the great Art Brut song 'The Replacements' which just captures the giddy excitement I feel upon discovering news like this - "REISSUED CDS! ....EXTRA TRACKS!!!"
    "That'll do for me Tommy" Excellent news. Have to agree with medulary-ray re 'Not To' single mix & 3CD box, gotta have a badge/s also ;)
    Couple of reviews seen of the reissues.

    Prog magazine gives a far overview
    The Wire has them as featured reissues and seems a fairly balanced review
    Nice thud on the mat and the Butler brings me Colin's three reissues. Thank you Colin!

    Digipack gatefo!d sleeves with bare minimum credits and titles. Some additional photos but that's it. No lyrics, no booklet.

    Whilst the recording of these albums is covered, albeit briefly in ELAH, I am sure there are more stories to tell, and although I know Colin has no emotional connection to them anymore this is the only criticism, or perhaps observation.

    What do they sound like? F@#%ing awesome. Denis Blackham makes them sound like new! No longer the murky sound of the Beggars Banquet/4AD releases that we've had to live with for too long. Bright, punchy, loud, clear and more.

    From a personal point of view its great to hear disc two of each release; the demos as they would have been included in the aborted WMO release 'Vox Pop'. So pleased they have a new life and wider audience.

    Thank you again Colin. Perhaps you could pen a few stories for us about these albums hahahaha
    • CommentAuthorjw says...
    • (CommentTimeOct 21st 2016 edited)
    Stories Should Have Been Us.
    On lyrics, I did ask Colin about that, but he said he doesn't have copies of them anymore, and doesn't necessarily know what the actual words are. (No Doubt has been bugging me for years.)

    However, if anyone has an ear for the kind of thing and notices some errors in the Wireviews CN pages, I'll be happy to update them. (Given endless time and Colin finding a stash of notes, I'd have happily added the lyrics to Sentient Sonics, but without complete/accurate lyrics, that didn't seem a smart move.)
    Very favourable reviews for all three re-releases in the latest edition of Uncut. A-Z gets 9/10, while Provisionally Entitled The Singing Fish and Not Too receive a not-too-shabby 8/10 each. The extras on the CDs pick up another 9/10.

    There is also a short interview with Colin, who says the albums at the time were defined by Wire and that he didn't have a clue about how to be (and never really wanted to be) a solo artist.
    Received my 3 CD copies today. Just going up to my Record room with door firmly closed & the music blasting out.
    Will there be any MP3 downloads of these?? I was really hoping...
    Was waiting so Eagerly for these to come out today!
    No MP3 downloads. The licence is for physical only, so if you want MP3s, you'll have to get the CDs.
    Just received the A-Z CD (which I already have twice in vinyl & CD btw) however, the extra Cd which makes this even more special is not track set so it has all track 1 onwards, rather like it was done on an ordinary CD writer. Such a shame. Why? Is it so difficult when cutting a professional CD to track ID? I make LPs of my own music and I can do this, It couldnt be done for such an expensive CD but still sonicially worthwhile as this. I am very disappointed. £14.52p in all? For what appears to be a slap done CD? Don#t get me wrong I want this extra stuff, its the great Colin solo stuff I love, his 80s material that still soars in my opinion.. but.... at least at should be manufactured properly? For this amount of money too?????
    Hi There splash154,

    Not at all sure what has happened here. The albums were most definitely professionally mastered (as others already noted in this thread) and the 2nd CD definitely comes up with separate tracks when I stick into the CD drive of my computer (sorry like many I no longer have a CD player) The manufactured CDs are essentially clones of the master which I already checked months ago.

    I'd like to know if someone else has encountered this problem? I'm not doubting what you say but I've never encountered anything like this before. Do you have a different device you can try the CD in to see if it's one particular device or a faulty disc? If you bought it from greedbag could you please contact them with your order number and I'll make sure you get a replacement. If not could you please send me your address via a whisper and I'll make sure you get a replacement CD.
    Just received the 3 reissues here in San Jose, CA. The second disc of A-Z seems fine here and is track set. Imported fine into iTunes Now I can only hope for the same treatment for Commercial Suicide. Inspired music is timeless. Thanks Colin!
    I have a CD player (not just a computer with a tray), and both discs of A-Z have track numbering and separation as far as I can see. And the remastering job is lovely, even on the tracks that were done with a mono cassette recorder inside the bass drum.

    "B" was the only track I'd already heard, it didn't seem like such a strange choice for a single once I'd heard the rest of it! It's pretty catchy, and it lets the prospective album buyers know what to expect.
    I received all 3 sets yesterday in Atlanta and immediately went to rip them into iTunes.

    Had no problems with both discs of A-Z and the first disc of Not To... but iTunes did not recognize the second disc of Not to and both disks of Fish (coul. (It ripped them as 'Audio CD' and 'Track 1, Track 2' etc).

    Not sure whether the issue is with Apple and the database they use (not expecting them to have stellar taste in music but odd how it pulled the info from A-Z 2 fine) or with the metadata on the CD's themselves?

    Either way, it's really nice to have these but just wanted to mention it.
    If the DB iTunes doesn't recognise the disc, it can be for all sorts of reasons, such as the DB being down, or a specific disc not quite aligning with what's online. You can sometimes get the info by forcing iTunes to look for it again. Failing that (if it's not actually in the DB, e.g.), you can always manually input the data and upload it for others to enjoy.