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    Thanks for the tips Craig.

    I'll either try again or just input the data manually and work out how to upload. (Not been a good week for data entry! ;)

    The remasters are sounding great though... been a while since I've listened to 'Not To' (love this one to pieces).
    A great read. A shame we did not get box set edition with booklet. Never mind the re-issues have been great. No need to be critical of Colin re:touring A-Z etc, we've all been young, precocious and "right at the time". I'm glad Colin was not a "Numan" in the long run - Gary's had his own issues with artistic integrity and relevance in the long run (I am a very minor fan), not our Colin - always looking ahead!
    The "Not To" vinyl landed today and it sounds FANTASTIC. Its like hearing the album again for the first time. Much more clarity in the mixes and a nice bit of a punch that wasn't there in the originals. Looking forward to picking up the other two next paycheck.
    Provisionally Entitled The Singing Fish just arrived and I am making my way through the demos disc now. Fantastic stuff! Not at all what I was expecting but a very interesting glimpse into the creative process. I have a feeling this will be in heavy rotation for a while.
    A quick question... was going to pick these up over the holidays, but paused... I tend to buy vinyl over CD of late, but the extra tracks are tempting... is there a download code with the LP, and does that code include the bonus Disc 2 tracks?

    (Apologies if this has been answered - if it was, I missed it somehow)

    There are no download versions at all – the licence only allows for the release of the material on physical media.
    Thanks for the confirmation - much appreciated!
    Disc 2 of Not To is soooooo good. Unreal that these tracks have gone unheard for so long.
    There's some really great stuff on the second discs. I imagine it might make Colin's toes curl to hear it, but I love the Beatleseque break in the middle of the Riverside take on Image. Also: the lighter take on Order For Order and Part Of Our History (a proto-As We Go – one of my favourites from Change Becomes Us). Singing Fish has the whole of CN1 (No Doubt is another favourite), too.

    Not To's interesting in providing alternate/early takes on the album tracks, but also foreshadowing his Crammed material (not least with the demo of At Rest, which eventually resurfaced on It Seems).

    Mind you, I'm always a sucker for these 'behind the scenes' 2CDs. I loved it when The Cure did it, and always hoped the Mute Wire albums might get similar treatment. Great to see a chunk of the Newman back catalogue have this opportunity.
    You are all entirely welcome!

    Anyone that knows me will also know that I tend not to have to much attachment to "old" stuff but I must admit that it makes me happy to feel I have made a few other people happy with these releases!
    In a way you've got the raw end of the deal here Colin, you only got the enjoyment of making these tracks once but us saddos have the joy of going back to them time and time again.

    You know what I don't think we say it often enough but thank you.
    After reading this thread I filled out a Greedbag order for all 3 reissues! I couldn't resist, having a few bits and pieces on my iPod. They've just landed on my doormat (excellent service as ever, I ordered straight after receiving Silver/Lead on Wednesday). It's going to be a big Wire/Colin weekend for me!