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    Can't stop listening to the Minimal Compact compilation, Dedicated, on AppleMusic. Kind of missed them the first time around. Great songs and Malka has a great counter-voice, as well as lead voice.

    San Jose, CA
    Well, obviously I do go back years with these guys :) If anyone is interested in their history I strongly recommend Nathan Mandelbaum's documentary "Raging Souls" - you should be able find it on youtube in about 10 secs.

    Over the last years I have been in the extremely privileged position of being a "6th member" during their occasional "comeback" stints. The last of these was in January this year. 5 sold out shows of roughly 1000 capacity each at the Barby in Tel Aviv. The shows sold out super fast and they could have done quite a few more. The atmosphere was electric and the band delivered amazingly. I feel it an honour to have been part of. Some likened it to a religious experience! it is very intense and pretty full on.

    It is possible that the next time round will include some continental European shows (that was the talk back in January anywhere) It has to be remembered that actually throughout most of Europe Minimal were a bigger (and in some places a much bigger) band than Wire in the 80's! Getting the band to the USA would be a bit more difficult as there are some issues that might mitigate against them getting visas (if you see the doc you'll know why).

    There may be some more news on this in a while but next year, for me, is gonna be Wire's...
    Thanks for the info CN. Looking forward to the 40th anniversary Wire stuff as well as the reissues of your solo work. Let me know if there is any way I could support Wire in 2017, other than by order music etc. I live in San Jose, about 40 mins south of SF. Your last few Wire releases have been tremendous. BTW, I work with a bunch of Filipina and Korean nurses at a psychiatric hospital near San Francisco and they found the the title of your last release quite interesting :-)
