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    On Saturday - The "Love Thy Neighbour" record label - to commemorate the Immersion/Eva Bowan/Merlin Tonto show at the Hope & Ruin in Brighton - released a 8" lathe cut single with a track from each act. All tracks otherwise unreleased - Immersion's contribution being "Dahab featuring Ronald Lippok (2016 Version)"

    Only 11 (yes ELEVEN) copies were pressed - they were selling on the night at £20 each - and yes I bought one

    Up to last night a handful were still available - contact their facebook page if there is still a chance of getting one

    The songs are available to hear on soundcloud.....

    Let us know if you succeed in getting one.....
    Thanks for the link Lee.
    I did indeed manage to get a copy. Possibly the last one.
    The last one is actually available here.....
    Well done Fabrizio!
    The last one is still up for sale on the above link and downloads are available for those who miss out - or who simply want the download.....
    All lathe copies sold now - but the download is available.....
    Wait, who is Immersion? I didn't manage to find out much on Google other than that there is a diving school in Dahab, Egypt called "Immersion."
    Is it a coincidence that one track on the Immersion album "Low Impact" is called Dahab, like the town where the Immersion diving school is ?
    Thank you, Colin. I did not realize it was you. It sounds killer, by the way, which is why I was asking.

    biccio: no, it is not a coincidence. I do not believe that for a second.
    Hi Fabrizio,

    The version with Ronald playing drums is a version of "Dahab" from "Low Impact". It's in our live set (both with & without drums)

    Dahab is a town in the Sinai but never heard of the immersion diving school there!

