The UK’s Online Safety Act regulation comes into force in March. Although this forum has never to our knowledge breached the terms of the act, it is impossible in its current state to make it fully compliant. And given that traffic here is minimal to non-existent – and that the forum isn’t fully functioning and needs substantial updates we are not in a position to provide – our current plan is to close the forum before the act comes into force, which is March 2025.

Facebook is perhaps the most lively place for Wire discussion right now, either on Wire’s own page or in the Blessed state group.

In the meantime, should you have contacts here you’ve been communicating with via whispers or want to save any threads/notes/info, now would be the time to do so.

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    Thought I'd put this out there - a few years ago this edit of 23 Years Too Late appeared as a free download on - which I gratefully downloaded. The only official physical release of this track was on a compilation free with the now defunct Elegy Magazine in France. I've been after a copy of the CD ever since I first heard about it - and as soon as I knew one was for sale in October I checked to find it had already escaped.

    Do any of you have this CD and are willing to part with it? If so please give me a shout.